Denver Go Topless 2024
Join us as one of Denver’s
most popular events returns!
♥ 2024 DenverGoTopless Day Parade ♥
@ Civic Center Park
( Bannock Street meadow )
10:00am - Setup between Bannock Meadow and the Fountain
10:30-Noonish - Meet & Greets and Bodypainting,
- Group chat with past and future organizers
12:00-12:30pm - DenverGoTopless Day Parade Begins
[ Due to the extensive construction throughout
the 16th Street Mall, this year our March will
follow the perimeter of Civic Center Park ]
- GROUP PHOTOS at Capital buildings
Bring music, frisbees, hula-hoops, dance, play catch, picnic, etc,
- HAVE FUN! 😊👍
3:00-3:30pm - Wind-down and clean-up
DenverGoTopless recognizes everyone as inherently valuable and encourages society to do the same, supporting compassionate empathy, healthy boundaries and a world more fair. DenverGoTopless uses topless equality to challenge dehumanization and objectification in modern culture. No matter our age, body, ethnicity or gender, we’re all human, equally precious. Equality is life, liberty, and justice for All.
♥ Reminder: Toplessness is optional ♥
Parade Rules:
No marijuana smoke (follow the law)
No sexual acts (follow the law)
No glass containers
Give traffic right-of-way
Obey crosswalk signals
Keep calm in the face of criticism
Point out potential conflicts to DGT leadership and DPD or Park Rangers
A Great Attitude!
Beach balls, Hula-hoops, & More!
Music & Dance!
( For those playing in the Fountain,
consider bringing towels )
Summers in Denver can get pretty warm and we don't want anyone dropping from heat exhaustion. We’ll have a shade station with sunscreen and water.
♥ #BeAHero Feel free to donate ice and water. ♥
So why DenverGoTopless Day?
Denver is one of the growing number of cities across America where topless equality is legal. On July 27 2024, Denver will host its annual parade that advocates and normalizes the benefits of co-ed toplessness.
If the only times people see nudity are in sexual contexts, people forget nudity and sexuality aren’t the same thing.
Topless equality strikes at a convergence of societal ills, confronting objectification, body image issues, toxic masculinity and rape culture, prompting self-reflection and dialog about #SexSells ramifications in media and exploitive gender roles. Coed-toplessness creates an environment of humanization, where context and mind get prioritized above the bodies we inhabit.
DenverGoTopless promotes appreciation of our humanity, embracing our diversity, experience, and interdependence, and reminds us how joyful community feels when surrounded by people who care. All are welcome to respectfully partake, regardless of age, body-type, gender, orientation, and race.
Women and their supporters have marched for women’s rights throughout our nation’s history.
We follow in their footsteps, knowing justice for women creates a just world for all.
♥ Hope to see you there! ♥
Site Maps:
Gathering Spot: Between Bannock Street Meadow and the Fountain (Civic Center Park)
Loading/Unloading Zone: Easement alongside colorful Bannock Street, accessible via both West Colfax and 14th Street
Handicapped Parking: Available on south side of McNichols Building
Restrooms: Available to DGT participants in the McNichols building
-- Please keep restrooms clean
Parade Path:
* Due to the extensive reconstruction,
this year’s March will follow the
perimeter of Civic Center Park
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2023 Parade - DenverGoTopless Returns!
Join us as one of Denver’s
most popular events returns!
♥ 2023 DenverGoTopless Day Parade ♥
@ Civic Center Park
( Bannock Street meadow )
10:00am - Setup & Coordination
10:30am - Meet & Greets, Bodypainting, Interviews
(Early arrivals get painted first!)
[ Some sections of Civic Center Park will be under renovation,
but Bannock Meadow will remain open and ours for the event ]
- Exit Park north via 15th Street
- Follow Cleveland Place to 16th Street
- Turnaround at 16th & Larimer
- Retrace and regroup at Civic Center Park
- GROUP PHOTOS at Capital buildings
3:00pm - Wind-down and clean-up
DenverGoTopless recognizes every “Me” out there as Precious and encourages society to do the same, supporting compassionate empathy, healthy boundaries and a world more fair. DenverGoTopless uses topless equality to challenge dehumanization and objectification in modern culture. No matter our age, body, ethnicity or gender, we’re all human, equally precious. Equality is life, liberty, and justice for All.
♥ Reminder: Toplessness is optional ♥
Parade Rules:
No marijuana smoke (follow the law)
No sexual acts
(follow the law)No glass containers
Give traffic right-of-way
Obey crosswalk signals
Keep calm in the face of criticism
Point out potential conflicts to DGT Security personnel and/or DPD
Mask (if applicable)
A Great Attitude!
Summers in Denver can get pretty warm and we don't want anyone dropping from heat exhaustion. We’ll have a shade station with sunscreen and water.
♥ #BeAHero Feel free to donate ice and water. ♥
Regarding Covid19:
Thankfully, Denver has been a leader in Covid vaccination! As of May 10, 2023, 87% of Denver residents 6 months and older have received at least one dose of Covid vaccine, with 79% fully vaccinated, enabling as of August 6, 2023 Denver County to achieve Current CDC Level: Low/Green. The vaccine-hesitant can now look to the billions of vaccinations worldwide which have proven effective at drastically reducing severe disease, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19, and embrace the opportunity to help protect themselves, their families, and communities through vaccination.
Because current vaccine effectiveness wanes over time and mutation rate and vaccine reluctance continue to be barriers to herd immunity, we highly encourage booster shots when eligible and masking if showing any flu-like symptoms.
So why DenverGoTopless Day?
Denver is one of the growing number of cities across America where topless equality is legal. On August 27 2023, Denver will host one of many US parades that advocate and normalize the benefits of co-ed toplessness.
If the only times people see nudity are in sexual contexts, people forget nudity and sexuality aren’t the same thing.
Topless equality strikes at a convergence of societal ills, confronting objectification, body image issues, toxic masculinity and rape culture, prompting self-reflection and dialog about #SexSells ramifications in media and exploitive gender roles. Coed-toplessness creates an environment of humanization, where context and mind get prioritized above the bodies we inhabit.
DenverGoTopless promotes appreciation of our humanity, embracing our diversity, experience, and interdependence, and reminds us how joyful community feels when surrounded by people who care. All are welcome to respectfully partake, regardless of age, body-type, gender, orientation, and race.
August 27 is 2023’s Sunday closest to Women's Equality Day, which commemorates the 1920 Constitutional Amendment granting women the right to vote. While we've made progress in the 100 years since its passage, laws, stigmas, and culture war politics continue to promote inequality today.
Women and their supporters have marched for women’s rights throughout our nation’s history.
We follow in their footsteps, knowing justice for women creates a just world for all.
♥ Hope to see you there! ♥
Site Maps:
Gathering Spot: Bannock Street Meadow, Civic Center Park
Loading/Unloading Zone: Easement alongside colorful Bannock Street, accessible via both West Colfax and 14th Street
Handicapped Parking: Available on south side of McNichols Building
Restrooms: Available to DGT participants in the McNichols building
-- Please keep restrooms clean
Parade Path:
* Exit Civic Center Park north by crossing Colfax at the junction of 15th Street and Cleveland Place {at the Voorhies Memorial)
* Walk 1 block to the 16th Street Mall
* Follow 16th Street Mall to Larimer Street and return.
-- Trek length subject to change if extreme weather necessitates
-- During parade, always yield to traffic and, other than crossing streets, please remain on sidewalks
Parking Lots: Multitudes available parallel to 16th Street Mall via 15th and 17th Streets (riding the free 16th Street Mall Shuttle to Cleveland Place gets you to 1 block of walking distance to Civic Center Park)
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Join the conversation! 😀
DenverGoTopless - All Year Long! :-)

2022 Parade - DenverGoTopless Returns!
Join us as one of Denver’s
most popular events returns!
♥ 2022 DenverGoTopless Day Parade ♥
@ Civic Center Park
(Bannock Street meadow)
10:00am - Setup & Coordination
10:30am - Meet & Greets, Bodypainting, Interviews
(Early arrivals get painted first!)
- Exit Park north via 15th Street
- Follow Cleveland Place to 16th Street
- Turnaround at 16th & Larimer
- Retrace and regroup at Civic Center Park
- GROUP PHOTOS at Capital buildings
3:00pm - Wind-down and clean-up
♥ Reminder: Toplessness is optional ♥
Parade Rules:
No marijuana smoke (follow the law)
No sexual acts
(follow the law)No glass containers
Give traffic right-of-way
Obey crosswalk signals
Keep calm in the face of criticism
Point out potential conflicts to DGT Security personnel and/or DPD
Mask (if applicable)
A Great Attitude!
Summers in Denver can get pretty warm and we don't want anyone dropping from heat exhaustion. We’ll have a shade station with sunscreen and water. #BeAHero Feel free to donate ice and water. ♥
♥ Port-o-John facilities for participants will be available nearby. ♥
Regarding Covid19:
Thankfully, Denver has been a leader in Covid vaccination! As of July 1st 2022, Denver residents have achieved over 80% 2-dose vaccination in every age group aged 5 and older. The vaccine-hesitant can now look to the 12 billion+ vaccinations worldwide which have proven effective at drastically reducing severe disease, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19, and embrace the opportunity to help protect themselves, their families, and communities through vaccination.
Because current vaccine effectiveness wanes over time and mutation rate and vaccine reluctance continue to be barriers to herd immunity, we highly encourage booster shots when eligible.
So why DenverGoTopless Day?
Denver is one of the growing number of cities across America where topless equality is legal. On August 28, Denver will host one of many US parades that advocate and normalize the benefits of co-ed toplessness.
If the only times people see nudity are in sexual contexts, people forget nudity and sexuality aren’t the same thing.
Topless equality strikes at a convergence of societal ills, confronting objectification, body image issues, toxic masculinity and rape culture, prompting self-reflection and dialog about #SexSells ramifications in media and exploitive gender roles. Coed-toplessness creates an environment of humanization, where context and mind get prioritized above the bodies we inhabit.
DenverGoTopless promotes appreciation of our humanity, embracing our diversity, experience, and interdependence, and reminds us how joyful community feels when surrounded by people who care. All are welcome to respectfully partake, regardless of age, body-type, gender, orientation, and race.
August 28 is 2022’s Sunday closest to Women's Equality Day, which commemorates the 1920 Constitutional Amendment granting women the right to vote. While we've made progress in the 100 years since its passage, laws, stigmas, and culture war politics continue to promote inequality today.
Women and their supporters have marched for women’s rights throughout our nation’s history.
We follow in their footsteps, knowing justice for women creates a just world for all.
♥ Hope to see you there! ♥
Join our Facebook Group:
DenverGoTopless - All Year Long! :-)

Cancelled: 2021 Denver GoTopless Celebration
[ Updated Aug 18, 2021: DenverGoTopless Day 2021 Cancellation ]
Thanks everyone for your patience while we've navigated 2020 challenges and fallout. Though we long for a return to "normal", we remain pro-mask & pro-vaxx, preferring an abundance of caution for social safety's sake. Many of you have been waiting to hear if DGT August 2021 will be taking place and, given the pandemic, the answer has, unfortunately, changed to No.
* Due to Covid19, we were unable to secure a permit for a full-scale 2021 parade. With the risks posed by Covid, there was a possibility a parade, with potentially hundreds of participants walking shoulder-to-shoulder and bunched up at intersections and breathing each others' air, could be unsafe. We preferred not to take the risk. 💛
* For a while this year, masks, social distancing, and increased herd immunity through vaccinations looked to increase safety for smaller gatherings, so for 2021 GoTopless Day we were going to adjust accordingly, encouraging an informal, socially-distanced gathering this year, avoiding dense crowds and packed sidewalks.
* Unfortunately, anti-mask, anti-vax propaganda has led many to forego basic senses of compassion and social responsibility, and opened the door to millions of avoidable infections. Not enough of us listened to experts begging us to take the pandemic seriously and warning us how every host is an opportunity for virus mutation, so here we are with the Delta variant, a form far more infectious than the original.
* A vaccine is not a cure, yet available vaccines have proven effective at drastically reducing severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths within the vaccinated population. In unvaccinated populations, however, the virus is still packing patients into hospitals and killing thousands per week. Because of the higher infectiousness of the Delta variant, even vaccinated individuals have a risk of passing the virus on to others.
* DenverGoTopless Day isn’t merely a parade and group photo. There’s fellowship, hugs, and participants posing with each other for selfies and pic requests. Travelers visit gas stations and restaurants. Bystanders often join the festivities. All of these activities increase risk of viral transmission.
* We at DenverGoTopless are unwilling to place selfishness over social safety —even one death traced to our event would be too many— no matter how popular a rallying cry “Fuck Your Feelings” has become in America nowadays. DenverGoTopless is about social justice, which we as individuals and as a nation can never attain if we’re willfully blinding ourselves to others’ pain.
* Hopefully by next year America will have come to its senses.

2019 Denver GoTopless Parade
2019 Denver GoTopless Day parade event - Sunday, August 25th - Civic Center Park (meadow adjacent to Bannock Street) - 11am meetup, 12:30 march followed by group pics in front of Capital buildings, 3pm wind-down - Spread the word!

2018 Denver GoTopless Parade
Join us for 2018 Denver GoTopless Parade Event on August 26 in the 16th Street Mall’s Skyline Park!
This year, we’ve partnered up with the non-profit called reNude. Thanks to their tireless support, our event will include live entertainment with sound & stage, info booths, food carts, and more!
As always, this event is free to the public. Donations are appreciated, and will go towards covering costs of permits, sanitation, insurance, and entertainment.
#DenverGoTopless #FreeTheNipple #GoTopless #ToplessEquality
Jeep / DenverGoTopless Promo Shoot
From the lovely Mia Jean:
"I am excited to announce I will be taking part in #dgts FIRST promo shoot SATURDAY 8/18 in Denver at Washington Park! We will start at 11:00-TBD SO PLEASE JOIN US! Brian Gantz will be out with us collecting donations and sharing the AMAZING new pamphlets!
We will be out meeting participants new and old, promoting the event, and engaging with the public, as well as letting me play with a really cool topless Jeep!
Javier Almeida is the photographer for this event, and because of him we are FINALLY doing a promo shoot for this great event!"
*someone bring me some glitter, preferably fuchsia*😩
Washington Park @ Virginia & Franklin
Near the little pond